ZONTA believes in making the world a better place by empowering women. They find joy in doing this in a supportive community of like-minded professionals from diverse countries and cultures. ZONTA and Rotary have had a relationship for many years through common causes and similar philosophies. 
In the past 6 months a local ZONTA group has had two volunteering days in order to complete mastectomy pillows and drain bags for people who have undergone radical surgery for the removal of breast cancer. Mastectomy pillows protect the incisions by keeping pressure off the chest area. It can also be a comfort aid while recovering from breast cancer treatment.  They are sometimes referred to as ‘comfort pillows’.  These specialised pillows are useful when in the hospital, at home, in bed at night or when in the car. Both men and women benefit from the comfort cushions.
The pillows come in matching bags that can also be placed across the shoulders. These bags are very useful for holding the drainage tubes and collection bags out of sight and in a comfortable position. Once the drainage tubes have been removed, the bags can be used to store the mastectomy pillow.
A number of talented seamstresses had been working for many months in order to cut and sew the kidney bean shape pillows. Once they were over 120 bags and pillows sewn, it was on to the next stage.  During the working session, we were placed into groups. The stuffing was measured as it had to be 100 grammes, the logo was ironed onto each bag, ribbon was cut and then threaded through the top of the bags, the ribbon was then seared, the pillows were stuffed and then the opening was machine sewn. During the first working bee,100 cushions and bags were completed. During the second working bee, we managed to increase the number to 116 cushions and bags.
Volunteering for a specific purpose seems to be very successful. As we all know in this day and age, and following the pandemic, volunteers are not so easily accessed. Following the successful volunteering morning, we all sat down and had a lovely lunch together.
Many thanks to Jennifer R and Wendy C for their industrious organisation and successful completion of the project. ZONTA has made around 4000 mastectomy cushions in the past year and these have all been given to patients in need. Unfortunately, there has been a rise in the number of people requiring mastectomies probably as a result of the COVID pandemic and people's reluctance to have adequate appraisals during this period.
Many of the volunteers came from the Cheltenham “Cressy” Golf Club for the sessions.  One of our members has just undergone a mastectomy in the past month and we have it on good authority that the cushion is a blessing.