Rotary is a world-wide organisation that provides an opportunity for men and women in business and the professions or retired persons to use their vocational skills to assist the local community. If you've asked yourself the question "What can I do?" then this may be your answer. Rotarians are individuals who are willing to voluntarily contribute some of their precious time and valuable expertise to make a difference - to help those who need it and to encourage our youth to reach their potential.

Rotary International forms a global network that is based within the local community, which provides aid and assistance throughout the world. Rotarians know that as an individual they can't achieve much in their spare time to help others - but by working as a member of a team with other business men and women or retired persons, the effect of their contribution is amplified and significant improvements can be made. For example, Rotary is eradicating the scourge of polio from this earth by immunising the children worldwide. Imagine what can be achieved when people work together, enjoying a wider circle of friends and using their skills to make this world a better place in which to live.

Each Rotarian represents his or her industry or profession within their club, ensuring a broad diversity of backgrounds and vocational skills are available to form project teams. Rotarians also recognise the need to maintain high ethical standards in their business and professional lives, as well as, promote and build goodwill both locally and internationally, to encourage peaceful coexistence globally.

Some facts:
  • Rotary was founded in 1905 by Paul Harris in Chicago, USA
  • There are approximately 1.2 million Rotarians world-wide in over 165 countries and geographical regions with new clubs being formed every 12 hours.
  • Rotary has a seat in the General Assembly of the United Nations in recognition of the efforts of its membership to foster goodwill and peace across national boundaries
  • Rotary has the world's largest non-government Foundation providing educational and humanitarian aid
  • Rotary is non-political and non-religious, recognising the needs of all humankind to live and work together to achieve peace and prosperity world-wide
  • Rotary seeks a balanced membership by encouraging the interests of both female and male business and professional and retired people.